What is this wow factor? It’s the big surprise, the twist, the fake out you never saw coming. It’s the billion dollar, explosive finale on a big screen with ultra
I hate to break it to you, but if writing with PCS is difficult for you, editing is probably going to be just as bad or worse. But don’t despair!
Building on last week’s post,Writing with Post-concussion Syndrome, this could be a prequel or a sequel depending how you look at it. But here, I’ll get to the nuts and
If you have ever had a head injury, you will know what I mean when I say it can be a total game changer. I’d been making leaps of progress
I find that there are a lot of misconceptions and assumptions about horse owners in this day and age and culture, and, as someone who is pretty hardcore, I feel
While it’s nice to think that the end goal will be becoming a best-selling novelist(ha!), and being able to live comfortably and happily off of royalties, watching people cosplay as