This is going to be a multi-part series on the do’s and don’ts of writing horses. There is so much to discuss, this post could be a full-length book, so I’ll try my best to organize it into subcategories for easy reference.

Whether you write fantasy, historical fiction, or contemporary romance, if you are incorporating horses and are not an experienced equestrian yourself, do the research. If you are an experienced equestrian but are utilizing historical tack or writing outside of your expertise, do the research. The industries within the horse world are so broad, without due diligence to understand the niche in which you wish to write, it would be like generalizing all of sports into one discipline. It simply can’t be done well. A five minute Google search could make all the difference.

Pictured here is one of James Patterson’s more recent novels. While the description sounds like another thrilling Patterson story, there is some incongruency between the description of the book and this cover. The book is about Olympic-level show-jumpers, but one look at this cover and any horse person who rides in English disciplines would recognize that this is a dressage saddle. If you know you know. If you don’t know…

While it might not seem like a big deal, it would be like writing a book about basketball but then featuring soccer on the cover. Both sports involve a large ball, so what’s the big deal?

Although it’s possible some show jumpers might very well also practice dressage (but usually only if they are eventers), to be at that level – which requires exceptional specialization – would be exceptionally rare. For one, the different saddles put the rider into completely different positions, and most show-jumper riders have difficulty getting accustomed to the lengthened leg required of a dressage saddle, and vice versa.

I apologize if I’m speaking gobbledygook to the general audience, but this is an example of why it’s important to do the research. Because the people who know the things will notice if it’s the wrong things. With the scope of the internet today, it’s easier and faster than ever to do a quick search to make sure the details are right.

Perhaps my favourite example is the live-action Mulan movie poster. For a movie that had such a large budget for the historical accuracy, there was significant oversight on the tack used on the horses. One quick peek at the bridle in this movie poster shatters the suspension of disbelief for the period intended for this film. This is a padded cavesson noseband with flash, which is a distinctly modern European design. The clip attachment for the reins is also distinctly modern, and “unique” modern to boot. For the horse’s sake, we can overlook the bit, as this is a much kinder bit than the ones that would have been used in 620AD, but it was disappointing that more effort was not taken to make a period-appropriate aesthetic for the tack. The bridles from that era are absolutely beautiful, and could have advanced the aesthetic in a spectacular and honest way.

Most horsers (owners/riders/enthusiasts) have a pretty good sense of humour (it’s a coping mechanism/survival strategy for the grueling nature of the industry), but we are a passionate bunch. So when we see horses in books and film, we flock to read or watch it. (We’re obsessed.) And if the industry or horses are represented accurately, we will be the number one fans.

Sheri Spencer, author, is a lifelong veteran in the horse industry, and a certified equine massage therapist. She has had training in hunter, dressage, and mounted games, and has worked for international level show jumpers and dressage riders. She’s participated in every kind of niche opportunity to come her way, from barrel racing to squire games, but her passion now is in dressage and rehabilitation. She has written several articles for Horse Sport magazine on training and massage therapy.

Today would be the 32nd birthday of Jake, her horse-brother of 26 years. As such, it seemed like a good day to write about horses and kick off this multi-part series.

Header photo: Sir Dom, on IG @hearthorseplay

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